Hosted by Gearoid Maher & family, Killuragh Herd, Co. Limerick
This year's National Pure Friesian Open Day will be hosted by Gearoid Maher and his family at the Killuragh Herd, Co Limerick on Thursday June 29th. The location and directions can be found on our event's page, or use the Eircode in the image below.
The IHFA and Irish Pure Friesian Club are grateful for the support of main event sponsors FBD Insurance and Dairygold, with additional support from the National Dairy Council and the many trade stands that will be onsite for the event.
Come along and view the cows, enjoy the refreshments and meet breed enthusiasts sharing their experiences of this excellent breed.
Thanks Gearoid & family for hosting this year. We're sure it will be a great day out.